days that go by


washing the car at dusk with a helper.
Christmas lights that are up all year.
afternoon drives.
that innocent faces of a puppy.
watching hot air balloons rise every morning.
reading story books with a girl I have know since she was a little baby.
the Lord's daily protection and guidance.
taking pictures of a one year old who has an oh... 3 second attention span.
making people laugh without even trying.
a week off school.
cheers for the winning team.
little brothers that are not so little any more and make me feel old.
wishing and waiting for fall to blow it's chilly breeze soon.


 "time flys when your having fun". yes well time has been flying over here.sometimes it was fun other times, not so much. but it keeps fly'in. tomorrow is the first of October!?!? yes.yes.yes October. and it is still 97 degrees outside here!! that's just not right. wow, I am rambling. thank you all for the encouraging comments on my new blog design! I'm really happy with it! oh and I have decided not to change my blog name until i am hit with an inspirational knockout.{translation- a perfect name that will hit me some day} Since that does not usually happen very often, this blog will probably be Its Called Art for a good while. That drawing up there is some friend's favorite characters in a book series.
la, what a boring post that was. i promise some thing a little more entertaining in the future:)

ta-ta all, think of fall, 


  1. Hi Emily, I just want you to know you never have any boring posts. I always love them!!! So don't ever think you have boring posts. Also, I love your blog name, it has your name all over it. One time I forgot your blog name, and all I had to think about was some things you like doing. Then it click in my mind, you like art. And then I remembered, that I follow a blog that's called, "It's Called Art". Thinking about it, I typed in that blog name and it was yours. And I have never forgotten since that happened.

    So I just want you to know that it I think it is totally you. So don't change your blog name anytime soon. That is just my opinion. I hope that we can plan something very soon, so we could hang out. Miss you lots!!!

    1. Aw thank you Hannah!!! You totally made my day girl!
      yes,we should plan a get together, I've not seen you in ages!

    2. Well said Hannah! As you stated, I have not known this blog to have boring posts.

    3. Yeah I know Emily, I haven't seen you in ages. Like a month, but that is still such a long time. Miss you lots.

      Also, thank you Michael!!!

      ~Hannah Banana~

  2. dooooooon't think about fall.

    it's still summer.

    it's still summer. yes. it's not fall. don't think evil thoughts like that. ;)

    1. but it is fall because summer end on the 27. or was it the 21? anyway and school started. it defiantly is fall because school has started.
      so yes I shall think evil thoughts:)

    2. i know i just LOVE LOVE LOVE summer. all the other seasons (winter and spring because we don't really have fall) are cold and windy. and blah.

      i'm a summer freak. lol

    3. yeah, I got to agree. but i still really like a little dark weather for fun:)
      personally I love the snow, but we don't get any of that down here:(

    4. I agree with Em on this point: cold and windy rocks! I actually prefer it to be fall rather than summer even though I do like summer very much. =)

    5. The only reason I like summer, is because we get to go to the beach and stuff like that. But I enjoy spring the best, because it is not that hot. And because flowers are so pretty during that time. Winter would be my favorite if we actually got snow. But we don't, so therefore, my second favorite season is, winter.

  3. Hmm...that drawing just kind of made me really mad. In a good way.:) Truy fabulous, the wee beaste. Is there a backstory to it, or is it spontanious awesomeness?

    1. no, not really, just my idea of two characters in a book I read:)

  4. I love these photos!! There's something about your work that makes me happy. The hot air balloon one is my fave but I also love the first one!
